Bill K., 46
"I started dropping weight immediately, but maintained strength and energy for grueling CrossFit WODs, maintained good energy levels throughout the day without mid-day slumps or crashes, and slept much better. In mere days, I went from feeling crappy from all the carbs I was eating to feeling lighter, more energized, and more present for the people in my life. Change is hard and scary, but nothing ever worth doing is easy. This is an investment in life that is totally worth making and this lifestyle and the results you can achieve are totally worth leaving an old, unhealthy lifestyle for. The KetoLogic products and the support found on the website, the social media support group pages, etc. make it easy."

Kristen H., 40
"It’s so much better to have a plan and have products to base your day on. The recommendation of one MRP shake, 2 servings of BHB, and 2 healthy keto meals a day has been a great foundation for me to plan my days around. I looked forward to waking up so I could make an MRP shake! I sleep better. I focus better. I stopped having that afternoon crash. I love talking about it and encouraging others to try it."

Kriston G.
"I was already keto as a WOE when I started this and I had already lost 12 pounds, but I was at a standstill with weight loss. After using the KetoLogic shakes and BHB drink mix for 25 days, I lost another 6 pounds. The meal replacement was pretty tasty and it does seem to curb the appetite too!"

Matt D., 31
"As a runner—especially a long distance runner— you sort of get in this habit of, ‘there’s a race coming up, two days before you carb load’… I competed in two events during the Keto 30, one was a half marathon and one was a Half-Ironman triathlon. Being on the Keto 30 program, being healthier, being energetic, keeps you focused, keeps your technique where it needs to be. I didn’t have a meteor crash after either race, my pace was much more consistent [and] I PR’d both events…"

Carrie M., 40
"The Keto 30 was brand new, I’ve never done it before. Nuts and avocados, and high fat meats and high fat cheeses… the things you’ve been limiting yourself [from] for so long, now you can eat. And this diet has been much easier on my body. I look better, I feel better, I sleep well, my eyesight’s great, I’m not so foggy anymore, my gut feels better… I eat less, I’m not as hungry. For me, it just rings true all the way around. This is a good, good change for me."