Keto Chips: The Best and Worst Options

Keto Chips: The Best and Worst Options

Who doesn't love chips? (Or crisps, if you're from the other side of the pond.)They're crunchy, salty, satisfying, and easy to eat on the go.Unfortunately, though, most chip options are a no-go on a low-carb diet like keto. In fact, the chip brands we all know are some of the unhealthiest foods you could possibly imagine (keep reading to learn more).But don't worry: there is such a thing as keto...

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The Keto Diet and Gut Health: How a Ketogenic Lifestyle Impacts Digestive Health

The Keto Diet and Gut Health: How a Ketogenic Lifestyle Impacts Digestive Health

A new study shows the ketogenic diet may have a positive impact on gut health.This is awesome news because maintaining a healthy gut can prevent diseases and help you lose weight.But what exactly is the gut microbiome? And how can going low-carb help improve your health in this area?Here's everything you need to know.What is the Gut Microbiome?Think of your gut (also called your digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract) as...

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10 High Fiber Low-Carb Foods Perfect for the Keto Diet

10 High Fiber Low-Carb Foods Perfect for the Keto Diet

There are many nutrients that make up a healthy diet. But probably none are more important than dietary fiber.Unfortunately, the majority of Americans—more than 50 percent of people—do not get enough fiber in their diet [1].This is a shame because dietary fiber is incredibly good for you, and can help improve your ability to lose weight, improve digestion, and even reverse or protect you from certain diseases [2][3][4].So if you're...

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Healthy Keto Snack Bars: The Best and Worst for Low-Carb and Keto Lifestyles

Healthy Keto Snack Bars: The Best and Worst for Low-Carb and Keto Lifestyles

Looking for a healthy keto snack bar? Whether you’re new to the keto lifestyle or a veteran who is on the hunt for new keto products, this article will help you better navigate the world of snack bars, specifically, keto-friendly ones.One of the top complaints about the keto diet is that it’s challenging to find keto-friendly snacks that are tasty, nutritious, and convenient. And with the continued popularity of the...

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Is Soluble Corn Fiber Keto?

Is Soluble Corn Fiber Keto?

Perhaps you've heard the term soluble corn fiber before.Or maybe you've seen it on the label of your favorite keto ice cream brand, and you're wondering what it is.Or maybe you've heard terms like soluble corn fiber, as well as others like maltodextrin and digestion-resistant maltodextrin, and now you want to set the record straight.Whatever your reasoning, we've put together this guide to help you understand what soluble corn fiber...

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Eggs on Keto: Health Benefits, Egg Fast Basics, and Low-Carb Egg Recipes

Eggs on Keto: Health Benefits, Egg Fast Basics, and Low-Carb Egg Recipes

Easy to cook, nutritious, convenient, versatile, and affordable—these are just a few of the ways you can describe eggs on keto.Many health experts call them a superfood, and anyone living the low-carb lifestyle can tell you they are a staple of their diet.But what exactly is it about eggs that make them so nutritious? And what makes them so great if you're on the ketogenic diet?Here's everything you should know...

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12 Restaurant-Inspired Keto International Recipes

12 Restaurant-Inspired Keto International Recipes

Craving your favorite international cuisine but can't get takeout or delivery?Looking for an awesome low-carb recipe to make that'll spice up the dinner menu?Good news: we’ve got you covered. Not being able to eat at restaurants and being on the keto diet don't have to be hindrances. With just a few modifications, you can enjoy Italian, Mexican, Chinese, and Indian food right at home. And you can still eat low-carb!Below we'll share...

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5 Ways to Reduce Your Appetite and Control Cravings 

5 Ways to Reduce Your Appetite and Control Cravings 

Do you find yourself raiding the refrigerator more often these days? Or indulging in your favorite snacks throughout the day while you’re working from home? Given the uncertain situation brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is understandable that you may find yourself eating out of boredom, loneliness, or stress. While it’s okay to indulge your cravings from time to time, there are negative health consequences if you do it too often. Don’t...

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