Tim Tebow’s Ketogenic Diet Guide for Beginners

Tim Tebow’s Ketogenic Diet Guide for Beginners

I started keto back in late 2011/early 2012. Since then, I’ve experimented with everything—meal timing, recipes, snacks, supplements, and more. And like anything else you do for many years, I’m much stronger and smarter about how to make a keto lifestyle work than I was back then.That’s why I want to pass on what I’ve learned to you. So, here’s my complete guide to the ketogenic diet, where I answer popular...

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The 10 Most Common Mistakes on the Keto Diet

The 10 Most Common Mistakes on the Keto Diet

Feel like you’re giving the keto diet your all but still not seeing the results you desire? We get it… You’re counting macros, measuring ketones, working out, but still not losing weight.Or maybe you did lose weight initially on keto, but you've plateaued.Here are the top mistakes people make when starting the ketogenic diet and potential reasons you may be seeing less than stellar results. 10 Common Keto Diet Mistakes...

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22+ Delicious Keto Almond Flour Recipes

22+ Delicious Keto Almond Flour Recipes

Almond flour is a great alternative to conventional wheat flour. It contains important nutrients and is low in carbs.In fact, almonds are a great source of vitamin E, a strong antioxidant that helps fight harmful free radicals in our body[*].About one ounce (28g) of almond flour has 14.2g of healthy fats and 35% of your daily intake of vitamin E[*]. It is useful in all kinds of recipes.Here are some...

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Your Guide to Keto Electrolytes: Sources and Symptoms

Your Guide to Keto Electrolytes: Sources and Symptoms

Electrolytes are a hot topic in the keto world. Everyone needs them, and yet they seem to evade even the most diligent ketogenic dieter, which means hello, keto flu.If you’re feeling concerned, confused, or maybe even a little scared about electrolytes, you’re not alone (and you definitely don’t need to feel that way, either). Once you nail your electrolyte levels, you might just find that some of your most persistent keto-related...

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How To Get Into Ketosis The Right Way

How To Get Into Ketosis The Right Way

You may have heard about “keto” or “low-carb” diets in recent years because of their popularity with a wide range of people.  Celebrities use it for weight management, high-level executives experiment with it to improve mental clarity, and athletes try it to enhance performance in events like the Tour de France. Originally used to treat patients with neurologic disorders and for brain health, ketogenic diets are one of the oldest...

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Keto vs Low Carb for Weight Loss: Explained

Keto vs Low Carb for Weight Loss: Explained

Is a low-carb diet as effective for weight loss as a low-carb, high-fat diet like the ketogenic diet?Research shows that subjects lose more weight on keto than a simple low-carb diet. You might be surprised at just how important a role the “high-fat” component plays in fat loss. The calories vs. macros debate has been solved... but what is it about carbs that matter so much? Why do people love...

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The A to Z of Low-Carb Protein Bars

The A to Z of Low-Carb Protein Bars

One of the most exciting parts of embarking on a healthier lifestyle is discovering all the healthy alternatives to your favorite not-so-healthy treats, and protein bars are no exception. For anyone on a low-carb diet, energy bars are a gift sent from the gods. Traditional candy bars are typically high in sugar and carbohydrates, so low-carb protein bars are the next best thing. How could you not love something that tastes like...

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What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)?

What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)?

If you've been following a ketogenic diet or even just considering trying keto, you've probably heard of the term "BHB".So you might be wondering...What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (also known as BHB)? And probably more importantly, what does BHB do? What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)? You may hear beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) be referred to as exogenous ketones or BHB salts. These are all interchangeable names for the same thing. BHB is a dietary supplement ingredient...

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