Hit the Ground Running in 2019

There is an interesting phenomenon that arises in the last 2-3 months of the year. By the time Halloween kicks in, we are at least subconsciously aware that the year will soon come to an end. Many of us (yours truly included) may have decided that when the holiday season comes, it’s time to hit cruise control on our fitness goals, take some time to reflect on the year that has passed, spend time with our loved ones, and gear up to hit the ground running again the next year. I don’t disagree with this sentiment, unless it means throwing out all caution and digging yourself into a hole that will take months to crawl out of when the new year begins. So I wanted to share some of my thoughts on what you can do to ensure your success when you are trying to hit your fitness goals in the first quarter of the new year.
Have Some Non-Negotiables
You may be traveling more, which means your training may suffer and you may have less control over what you eat. That being said, your training does not have to be your typical gym session or fitness class. Taking 30 minutes to go on a brisk walk, or even walking up and down the stairs of your hotel would go far in keeping you active and relieving stress. Along those lines, you may not be able to control your portions or the sources of your meals. Thankfully, staying on plan while you travel is pretty easy when you eat a ketogenic diet. A piece of meat and some veggies or a salad can be found pretty much everywhere. Decide what your non-negotiables are, and then stick to them. Here are some examples:
- Training: I will aim for at least 3-4 brisk, 30-40 minute walks a week while I am traveling.
- Nutrition: I will not eat sugary foods or grains.
Keep it Simple after the New Year
One of the main reasons I am hired as a coach (especially when it happens in January) is that folks just do not want to have to figure out what the best diet and training plan is for their specific goals, or be in charge of writing it. Decision fatigue can be crippling, especially after the holidays. The other reason is that they want someone other than themselves to keep them accountable. We have loved KetoLogic’s products for years now, partly because they are a great tool that helps us keep things simple and prevents us from making poor nutritional decisions when we are busy.
Here are some examples of products that help you keep things simple, especially when you are too busy:
FBOMB – We have been using FBOMB’s macadamia nut butters and premium oils for years. They can really come in handy when we are too busy to stop and get a full meal, or when we want some fat in our coffees that isn’t dairy fat. Our two boys love FBOMBs and so do we. Every month, we go through 30-40 packs! Our FATFUELEDFAM code gets you 20% off your order.
KetoLogic KetoMeal® – We originally tried these in the summer of 2017 and instantly loved them. They contain medium chain triglycerides, which are quickly broken down in the liver and converted to ketones when you are eating a ketogenic diet. Our seven-year-old prefers the chocolate with unsweetened cashew milk, and we give our four-year-old the strawberry mixed with triple cream yogurt and strawberry-flavored omega-3 fatty acids for his developing brain. I personally make it into a smoothie and drink it before jiu-jitsu because we leave at 4:30 pm and don’t arrive home until 7:45 pm. It’s a simple way for me to stay fueled when I know I won’t be having dinner for another several hours.
Side note: Check out this video of my oldest son trying it for the first time a year and a half ago.
KetoLogic BHB – While exogenous ketones will not give you all the benefits of adhering to a well-formed ketogenic diet, they can be a really helpful tool in certain situations. One example is at the beginning of your switch to a ketogenic diet. Having elevated ketones may help offset any symptoms of the keto flu you may experience when you cut the carbohydrates from your diet. In addition, part of the reason why people get the keto flu is an electrolyte imbalance, and the BHB contains all 3 of the electrolytes I focus on when I transition my clients to this diet—sodium, potassium and magnesium. They have also been extremely helpful to me in the past when I have dieted and been lower on energy due to the caloric deficit I was in. Combined with some caffeine, they were a great pre-workout for me during those times (and now they offer them together HERE). Lastly, they are a great snack for our family at night when we make KetoLogic BHB gummies.
Take Action Now
Even if you are not going full bore right now, you want to have everything set up in time so on January 2nd—the real first day of the year for most of us—all you have to do is wake up and start your plan. KetoLogic is offering a program called the “KETO 30 Challenge” and I am excited to partner with them because I use the KETO 30 with some of my coaching clients, as well as the winner of our Fat Fueled Family holiday giveaway. I love the simplicity of the KETO 30 Challenge. This is it in a nutshell:
- Replace 1 meal a day with a KetoLogic Meal Replacement
- Eat 2 low-carb meals
- Have 1-2 servings of KetoLogic BHB
And make sure to join the KETO 30 Facebook Group to join a community of people who are doing this challenge with us!
A native of Miami, Florida, Danny received his bachelor’s degree in political science from Columbia University in 2004, where he played football and was a three-time Dean’s List recipient. Danny earned his Master of Science in Human Performance from the University of Florida, where he worked with the national championship men’s basketball team along with women’s basketball, tennis, and golf programs. He then went on to become the Strength & Conditioning Coordinator for VCU basketball, helping the Rams to the 2007 conference champions and making it to the second round of the NCAA tournament. As a raw powerlifter, he had meet bests of 640 squat in wraps (610 raw), 400 bench, and 700 deadlift. He now competes in indoor rowing, where he has personal bests of 1:19.9 in the 500 meter, 14.5 in the 100 meter, and 389 meters in the minute for distance.
Follow Danny Vega:
- Instagram: @ketocounterculture
- Facebook: @ketocounterculture
- YouTube: Fat Fueled Family
- Blog & podcast: www.fatfueled.family
Posted in
Influencer Article, Nutrition, Training