Exercising at Home: Expert Tips and Workout Ideas for All Fitness Levels

Exercising at Home: Expert Tips and Workout Ideas for All Fitness Levels

With gyms closed and most people staying inside, many people are looking for ways to stay active at home. Regular exercise is important because it can help with both physical and mental health. In fact, an article in the Journal of Health and Sports Science specifically listed exercise as a "need" for people. Scientists say it can lower your risk of getting sick [1].Working out regularly can also help boost your...

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Keto BHB: Your Comprehensive Guide to Exogenous Ketone Supplements

Keto BHB: Your Comprehensive Guide to Exogenous Ketone Supplements

If you've started the ketogenic diet, or are even just interested enough to start your research, you'll have heard the term "exogenous ketones" or keto BHB before.That's because many keto-ers, whether they're experienced or new to the diet, use exogenous ketones as a supplement to their low-carb diet to: Quickly achieve the metabolic state of ketosis Curb carbohydrate cravings and reduce appetite Speed up keto weight loss Relieve or prevent the...

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What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)?

What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)?

If you've been following a ketogenic diet or even just considering trying keto, you've probably heard of the term "BHB".So you might be wondering...What is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (also known as BHB)? And probably more importantly, what does BHB do? What Is Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB)? You may hear beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) be referred to as exogenous ketones or BHB salts. These are all interchangeable names for the same thing. BHB is a dietary supplement ingredient...

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How CrossFitters can Strategically Use Keto for Power, Stamina, and Metabolic Benefits

How CrossFitters can Strategically Use Keto for Power, Stamina, and Metabolic Benefits

CrossFit is a fun way for anyone looking to push themselves physically while improving their body composition.CrossFit places great emphasis on being competent at a wide range of physical skills like endurance, strength, power, speed, and coordination.  This is done by performing challenging workouts that test different facets of athleticism.  In order for CrossFitters to be prepared for these intense workouts, their nutrition and recovery programs must be on point...

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5 Tips and Tricks for "Before" and "After" Photos

5 Tips and Tricks for "Before" and "After" Photos

If you're embarking on a new diet or weight loss program, it probably means you don't love the way you look right now. And you might even avoid being in photos because of how you look. But we're asking you to push those feelings aside when you do the KETO 30 Challenge. Here's why:  taking "before" photos are so important because when you're in the trenches day in and day...

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The Powerful Effects of Swimming on the Keto Diet

The Powerful Effects of Swimming on the Keto Diet

Swimming has been referenced in ancient texts and cave paintings from the Mediterranean to Mesoamerica.  The British popularized swimming as a sport in the early 1800s, and in the late 1800s, it became an Olympic event. Today, swimming still remains one of the most watched Olympic events and a popular sport for individuals looking to get in shape. Much like swimming, high-fat/low-carbohydrate diets share a similar history also dating back...

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KetoLogic Kettlebell Training for Beginners

KetoLogic Kettlebell Training for Beginners

Do you feel like you're dragging yourself to the gym lately? Ditch the barbells and dumbbells, and optimize your routine with a resistance cardio kettlebell training routine.  Brief History of Kettlebells Developed in Russia in the 18th century, kettlebells were originally used as counterweights to measure crops. By the late 19th century, kettlebells were used recreationally as items in strength training and competitive kettlebell lifting competitions. Jump to the mid-20th...

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