What is Ketosis?
Ketosis is when your body breaks down fat for energy. Burning fat leans out the body while preserving muscle mass. This is probably why so many professional athletes are increasingly going ketogenic.But ketosis is good for a lot more than simply looks or sports performance. The same reason it leans you out (lower blood sugar) also makes it preventative of major diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and many cancers. “Many...

Can I Eat Beans on Keto?
Wondering whether beans are keto-friendly? The quick answer is no, but let’s look into why. Plus, we have a couple keto-friendly bean options you can try if you don’t want to give up beans.Beans fall into the legume family, along with lentils and peas, and feature a number of great benefits — they’re inexpensive; high in protein, fiber, and vitamins, including thiamine, magnesium, and iron; and they can add some...

What’s the Difference Between Keto and Paleo?
Today, there are so many diets that it’s easy to write off the latest and greatest as some newfangled fad.We’ve all heard of South Beach, Atkins, The China Study, The Zone, Paleo, and now, of course, the Ketogenic Diet. But you might be surprised to know that all these protocols have something very important in common.It’s something that makes all these diets so successful in the first few days that...

Keto Substitute Recipes from a Dietitian to Keep Track on Your Diet
Anyone who is just starting to fall in love (or is already in a committed relationship) with the ketogenic lifestyle is likely fascinated by the science of the human body.How cool is it that we can manipulate our metabolic pathways to work for us, improve energy, and optimize performance, all by choosing the right type of fuel for our machine?Every good cook knows the key to great food is great...

Want Long-Lasting Results? Stop Dieting!
In order to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, general consensus advises consuming fewer calories. Many do so by reducing portion size. However, simply choosing “low-fat” food options with reduced calories is not an efficient way to lose weight, or an effective way to maintain a healthy weight. Keto can help you buy the right foods. Download our Master Keto Food List with 100+ keto foods mapped out for...

Avocados: Love at First Bite
By Molly Devine, RD, LDNI really don’t know what I would do if you told me I had to give up my avocados. Thankfully, they are a staple of a balanced ketogenic diet and a great source of healthy fat, potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, so I don’t have to! So versatile that they can be eaten on their own, mashed in dips, creamed in dressings, and even blended in...

Fact or Fiction: Does Eating Fat Make You Fat?
Of course eating fat makes us fat, right? Not so fast. The answer is actually a bit counterintuitive, but not too difficult to parse out. We don’t feed our livestock butter or lard when we want them to quickly reach market weight. Instead, we fatten up our farm animals — pigs, chickens, cattle, and even fish — on grains like corn and soy. So then, it’s reasonable to ask, why...

3 Best Keto Supplements to Improve Ketosis
Low-carb, high-fat diets owe much of their popularity and effectiveness to the fact that they place a greater emphasis on unprocessed whole foods. In addition to enjoying more flavorful meals, dieters are able to obtain good sources of important nutrients directly from food sources, like certain vitamins, which are more bioavailable in fats. As a result, this reduces the need to supplement when consuming low-carb, high-fat diets. Having said that,...