Looking for Keto-Friendly Candies for the Holidays? Look No Further!

Looking for Keto-Friendly Candies for the Holidays? Look No Further!

The Holidays are around the corner which means you'll probably be tempted by mounds of cake, pie, chocolate, and more unnecessary sugar bombs. The good news is you don't have to succumb to the liver-busting sugar spikes this year. For every sweet craving you have, we have a keto-friendly solution.Want to sip hot cider or break off a square of chocolate while you watch holiday movies? Go for it. Either...

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The Benefits of Ketone Strips to Monitor and Improve Weight Loss

The Benefits of Ketone Strips to Monitor and Improve Weight Loss

You're hitting all your macros, working out regularly, and drinking your BHB religiously, but how do you truly know whether you're in ketosis? Ketone strips are a good way to determine whether your body has transitioned to fat-burning mode. It varies by individual, but in general, it will take 2 to 7 days for your body to achieve ketosis, depending on what you're eating, your body type, and your activity...

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What are MCTs: A Perfect Primer for Everything You Need to Know

What are MCTs: A Perfect Primer for Everything You Need to Know

MCTs are very popular among those on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. This article goes over the basics of what MCTs are and how to add it to your daily regimen. What are MCTs? MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are the key fat molecules found in coconut oil. MCTs are an amazing source of fuel for the body with many clinically studied health benefits. What are the benefits of consuming MCTs? Highly...

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National Bacon Day: Three Baconlicious Brands You Must Try!

National Bacon Day: Three Baconlicious Brands You Must Try!

By Danny VegaBACON. For many of us, reading or hearing the word alone leads to a visceral reaction. I know I felt my salivary glands perk up. It’s used in a lot of our staples here in America—bacon and eggs, bacon cheeseburgers, and there are even bacon COOKIES. Good bacon provides a perfect combination of saltiness, crunchiness, and fattiness for your salivating mouth. Thankfully, good old-fashioned bacon has enjoyed a...

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MCT Powder vs. MCT Oil: Which One Should You Choose?

MCT Powder vs. MCT Oil: Which One Should You Choose?

By Molly Devine, RN, LDNMCTs… you’ve probably heard about them as a way to support energy levels and support your keto goals. Maybe you’re interested in trying them but don’t know where to start. Maybe you want to better understand what they are and how they work to provide health benefits. In this article, we’ll cover what MCTs are, the benefits they offer, and explain the difference between the oil...

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